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Unclimbed Everest summits due to folly

The question arises – what can prevent you from climbing to the mountain peak when you are almost there? As practice shows, every year, more and more stupid situations take away all athletes’ dreams.

Unthinkable fight on the slopes of the mountains

Climbing and fighting. These two concepts would probably never have met in one common sentence. One situation changed everything. The climbing season start was awesome. Everyone was shocked by some news about the fight on the slopes. A fight was provoked between a climbers group and Sherpas.

At the end of April, three climbers – an Italian, a British, and a Swiss – decided to conquer Everest heights. Simone Moro, Jonathan Griffith, and Ueli Steck were full of determination and excitement. An incident occurred at an altitude of more than 6 thousand meters.

They were attacked by the Sherpas. The Sherpas were busy with their work. The climbers claim they were angry for breaking the silence. Athletes thank God that they survived. The authorities are investigating a given case.

The path with a disability is still a sentence

Every year climbers come up with more and more interesting methods to go down in history. It is no longer strange to read about record holders with some physical handicap. However, they rarely talk about unsuccessful experiments. Such a situation happened to one Nepalese Sudarshan Gautama.

He has problems with his hands. But Gautama wanted to conquer peaks without using them. As a result, Sudarshan went down in history. Gautama is reported as the first climber who was rescued from a height on the largest rescue helicopter. It happened due to a fall on one mountain track.

Fast and many – different concepts

This story’s hero is Phurba Tashi Sherpa. He received the award for the largest number of ascents to the summit. The media asked Sherpa why he did not want to break the record for the fastest ascent. The answer was simple. Sherpa does not like challenges and haste.

Everest for him is a job for pleasure. Records are not his main goal. The ability to conquer – main pleasure.

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